According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAHMSA), nearly 40,000 people in the US die from suicide each year. That's 1 person every 13 minutes; exceeding the number of deaths from homicide and AIDS combined.
Suicide is a serious public health problem. The causes of suicide are complex and difficult to determine, but one key cause is social isolation. Studies show that people who are drawn to suicide feel they do not belong in society or that they are a burden to their family and friends. They feel hopeless, isolated and unaccepted by the community. The big question is, what can we do to help people feel that they belong. Elana Premack Sandler wrote a beautiful piece about what she's doing to make her kindergarten-aged son who likes wearing dresses, feel like he belongs (link below).
This threat of feeling "left out" is pervasive across all age groups. But, it's important to understand that suicide rates among older adults are higher than (or as high as) that among younger people. Yet, unfortunately, suicide prevention among older adults remains neglected. Given that the number of people turning 65 and above is expected to continuously increase over the coming years, it is imperative that we find innovative and research-based non-drug and therapeutic strategies to fight social isolation and promote positive aging. And at televeda, we are committed to doing exactly that.
We are committed to doing what we can to make the world a happier and more inclusive place for everyone, regardless of age and abilities. We are committed to reduce the risk of suicide by ensuring that we provide meaningful engagement opportunities for people to connect with one another. It's not always easy to know who is struggling with loneliness or isolation, but we can help you build a community and create a safe environment that inspires social connection and conversations that could save lives.
Source: Why Belonging Is a Key to Suicide Prevention | Psychology Today