“The event was definitely a success! We have been receiving nothing but good feedback from our seniors on how much they enjoyed the experience & how they cant wait to do it again. We had a great turnout and I can honestly say even the seniors not playing bingo had a blast! There was nothing but smiles and laughs here at our center! The seniors mentioned they enjoyed the friendly competition and can’t wait for the next event!
Thank you to you & your team for making this happen. It was a pleasure working with you all & we can’t wait to be a part of any future events or to collaborate!”
- Casa Primavera (CPLC)
"We had a great time in Florence. Thanks again for the opportunity. We had a blast, and I can’t wait to do it again.”
- Florence Senior Center
With over 50 centers, 1200 in-person attendees, and 70 bingo prizes, BingoPalooza was an incredible success in 2023!
"It was hard to know how great it would be until we participated. We will definitely go again!”
"This was a great social event where members can come and enjoy one of their favorite pastimes with other centers in NM for free. Our seniors were engaged & happy to be a part of Bingo and asked when the next one would be held!"
“Thank you so much for the fantastic time-we had a blast. We would love to participate in Bingo and other Televeda activities in 2024. BingoPalooza was a smashing success, spreading joy and excitement to all attendees."
Please sign up for our waitlist here to get first dibs on our next Arizona Bingopalooza.
Losing friends is just a part of aging...
We're coming together from all across the state!
Older adults can’t use technology...
Our virtual platform is used by adults of all ages!
Social isolation isn't a big deal...
Social health is a huge contributor to overall health and happiness.
Bingo is boring and can’t get wild...
Just wait and see on October 18th!
Play online bingo for free every Thursday on Televeda's virtual bingo platform or schedule a call with us today to learn how to bring personal bingo events to your center!
Here are some things that are helpful to know about BingoPalooza™ events and Televeda.
More questions? Email us at support@televeda.com or call our toll-free number: 833-299-1449.