televëda's interactive online activities bring all the fun without the risk!
televëda’s live streaming programming has always prioritized seniors and their health needs, and we've been following the spread of COVID-19 diligently.
We feel a deep responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of seniors everywhere, and with senior communities limiting access to protect the wellbeing of their residents, we realize our virtual fitness, educational, and gaming programs can keep seniors active and engaged—without the risk of infection. televëda allows seniors to watch sharks swim at the Texas State Aquarium, or learn the best methods for meditation, all without leaving the safety of their rooms.
At this time, individual seniors and senior centers need access to virtual programming, and televëda will continue to provide our live streamed interactive wellness programs for all of our participating communities. We're also offering our programming for free to all isolated, homebound seniors, and preparing to expedite onboarding for any new communities that are in need due to the effects of COVID-19.
It's televëda’s responsibility to continue using our platform for what it was designed—keeping seniors healthy, happy, and engaged—and we hope to relieve our senior communities from the impact of this virus.
If you, a senior family member, or friend, is in need of our services at this time, please fill out this form and someone from our team will get back to you as soon as possible. Or, if you work for a senior community, please fill out this form. Together, we're ready to face this health crisis, and still have a little fun.