This article outlines the benefits of incorporating social media platforms for older adults, and sharing the top social media platforms for those over 65.
Note: social media isn't just your standard photo sharing apps. We're talking about getting social in real time, and making some real connections!
Benefits of Seniors Using Social Media Platforms
Creating Social Connection
Seniors are increasingly using social media as it is a wonderful way to keep in touch with friends from the past or loved ones far away. In addition, with many young adults relying solely on these platforms as a means of communication, seniors are likely to have better luck chatting with their grandchildren through these mediums (like playing games with them online).
Improving Health
In a recent study, researchers found that social technology use can have benefits for older adults. People who use telewellness tools experienced better self-rated health and had fewer chronic conditions than those with less experience using the technologies in question. They also reported higher subjective well-being, assessing one's happiness or contentment with life (baseline). On top of all was lower depression rates among participants.
One of Televeda's popular Tai Chi fitness classes!
Encouraging Exercise
Older adults face barriers that prevent them from meeting the recommended physical activity levels for maintaining their quality of life. However, new technologies like virtual dance/yoga studios, video games on a console like Nintendo Wii, and online exercise classes can help them stay physically active at any age!
Facilitating Fun
With the help of digital platforms like streaming services and community hubs, activities directors can easily move much or all of their schedules and calendars online. With this new technology in place, it is possible to follow club activities and stay up to date from anywhere.
For example, members can join a book club from home, learn a new language in an interactive video chat session, and try their hand at painting and drawing. Many museums are even offering virtual tours to people from around the world. The virtual possibilities are endless, and the smiles and laughter created are invaluable.
Popular Social Platforms for Seniors
It is easy to see the benefits of social platforms for seniors. Let's look at which ones are most popular (and user-friendly) for those over the age of 65.
Facebook has become such an integrated part of our culture that it's hard to believe some people still don’t have accounts! The social network is a cultural norm, with one-quarter of the world's population, or 1.8 billion subscribers, making up Facebook's user base.
With this reach and familiarity, Facebook often becomes an impactful tool for seniors to use. Sharing photos and stories with loved ones across the globe brings a deeper sense of connection and maintains strong relationship bonds.
Facebook provides social interaction in multiple ways, from sharing news to images to ideas, to their Facebook Portal. The Facebook Portal is a family-friendly device that lets older adults connect with their loved ones. Facebook Portal touts adults over the age of 65 as their fastest-growing demographic, with multi-generational families being some of Portal's biggest fans.
The smart camera has the power to track movement and preserve an individual's identity, even when they're moving around the room or playing games by themselves in another location. In addition, users enjoy Story Time with the artificial intelligence feature that changes your face into popular story-time characters (such as a little pig or big bad wolf) while reading stories virtually for grandchildren.
Getting started with online older adult socialization could not be easier! Members fill out a one-time registration form to create their secure profiles — no username and password required. Within minutes of signing in, members gain access to the virtual lobby to join live happy hours or sign up for any of 25+ classes like writing workshops, art, yoga, and of course, virtual bingo!
Televeda's simple interface makes it remarkably easy for tech-shy audiences (especially old adults) to navigate, empowering them to form connections with the world through interactive live streaming experiences. Plus, the comprehensive, ready-to-go activity programs save organizations hours of planning time every month. They increase not only engagement in their members, but also mood scores and overall happiness levels.
Televeda is a new platform that helps seniors find their circle of like-minded individuals by providing them with dozens of in-person and virtual activities. The platform makes it easier to live healthier lives because they address both medical needs and mental health issues within the older population, which has grown exponentially over recent years. Seniors can now enjoy an inclusive community experience regardless of their location.
According to new data from Pew Research, 81 percent of Americans use YouTube. And while aging audiences are using the platform as a vehicle for entertainment and nostalgia, it is also a terrific platform to watch their peers defy the odds.
These elders are not letting age stop them from pursuing their hobbies! Whether its virtual cooking, making videos, or showing something else altogether, these seniors have stayed active and love to share what they're doing with followers. With so many terrific senior channels to follow, Grandma or Grandpa will definitely find the right niche!
Looking for Other Online Social Platforms for Older Adults?
In addition to Facebook, Televeda, and YouTube, seniors can get social on:
And find additional socialization opportunities through the AARP, Senior Planet, and other senior-focused organizations.
Conclusion: Social Platforms Are Just That!
Social media is an excellent way for seniors to connect with friends and family, share their stories, and receive support from the community. There are many platforms they can use depending on what type of socializing they want or need — and Televeda is one of the easiest ways to encourage online socializing for seniors with fun and interactive virtual experiences. You can meet new friends, get active, and find your community with a free Televeda membership today.