September 8, 2021

5 Ways Bring In More Seniors to Your Senior Community Organization

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Attracting seniors and their families to your community organization has become more of a challenge in modern times. Older people are now using online services, telecare, telewellness, and living more independent lives.

Although this is excellent news for society, it can make it more difficult for community organizations geared towards older adults to find participants. However, people are living longer and do still need help and support. If your facility offers first-rate services, people will want to be there: you just need to know how to attract them! 

To get more adults to join your senior center, it’s important to understand the interests and hobbies of seniors in 2021 and the people that care for them. You'll need to build your services around these aspects, and then offer a second-to-none experience.

Sounds tough? Get help from Televeda by setting up your free demo here

How to Bring in More Seniors to Your Senior Community Organization

To help you out with attracting adults to your senior center, we put together a list of five ways to get seniors to get excited about your community! 

1. Create an Online Presence

It has never been a more critical time to get online. If your community organization isn't online, then that’s going to be your first step. If you already have a website and struggle to get any interest, you may need to look at your center’s marketing strategy. If your website is outdated, then it may need a makeover. If you're not taking SEO seriously, you need to think about the content you're posting online, and the keywords you're targeting.

televeda google review
Nothing like a glowing 5-star review to stand out from the crowd.

Reviews are also paramount to building trust and encouraging people to check out your organization. Many people turn to online reviews before making purchases or using services. Google My Business and Yelp are the leading platforms that the general public turns to, so focus your efforts on obtaining online reviews through these platforms. Make it easy for people to review your services and post proof of these reviews for others to see. More people are likely to review you if they see that others have done the same. 

Get a complete how-to guide on getting great reviews for your online community

If you're not on social media yet, be sure to create social media accounts. Facebook is essential if you're looking to target older generations. Check out How To Market My Senior Center for more advice on getting your marketing on point. 

2. Partner With Local Organizations 

Creating connections with other local organizations can benefit yours. Companies that provide services such as home maintenance, catering, and transportation can be great partners. For our World Record Bingo game in October, we’ve partnered with Envoy America to provide free rides for seniors to and from participating centers. 

Not only will this take some of the pressure off when organizing content, catering, or transportation, but these companies will promote your organization too. You'll be able to work together and share content and work on community events together.

You can also partner with educational establishments, health practitioners, and therapists to offer a broader range of services and enhance your organization's visibility, as well as improve your classes and offerings

3. Host Monthly Promotions and Giveaways

If you're thinking, "How can I find more seniors in my area?" promotions and giveaways are a very effective way of increasing awareness of your organization. Social media and email marketing can be the perfect platform to share these details, but noticeboards and printed media can also work well for older generations. Try a range of ways to advertise your promotions if you want the best response. 

People love things for free, and they also love a discount. Offering a discounted activity or a physical prize can attract many people. So having raffles at your next big event, or encouraging entrants to share the promotion on social media are a couple of great ways to get more people to your center. Giving extra entries to those that share your promotion can be an ideal incentive too! 

4. Provide Great Content, Amenities, and Activities

Great content through your website and social media can make people more likely to engage with your organization. Share valuable articles, photos of events, and important information online and in any marketing materials. Need some support boosting your virtual content? Head to our guide here! 

televeda lobby
We love adding all sorts of exciting events to our virtual lobby!

Make sure that you offer an array of activities and amenities that set you above the competition. Seniors aren't looking for bingo every day: provide them with a great selection of well-thought-out and well-organized activities.

At Televeda, we have bingo of course, but we also provide workout sessions, art workshops, live music, discussion groups, and more, all at our virtual lobby. You can check out how we support community organizations just like yours here, or through a free demo

5. Hosting Community Events

An effective way to increase residents and members at your senior facility is by hosting a community event. Community outreach events can add to the residents' happiness and give the community a chance to get to know everyone.

Feeling part of a community is immensely important for everyone, and hosting inclusive events can help attract those that are concerned about losing their community connection. Community events are also a perfect opportunity to partner with other local vendors, organizations and institutions.

If you're stuck on how to get some new clients or members, a community event--even a virtual or hybrid event--can help. A community event can increase awareness around your organization and give potential residents and participants the chance to ask questions. Hosting a community event is essentially a win-win for everyone involved.

Televeda is hosting a community world record-breaking bingo event: why not join in if you're looking for ideas to draw in more seniors?

Conclusion: Get More Community Members Today with These Tips

There are many ways to increase senior engagement in your senior community organization. Knowing where to start can be difficult as it's an ever-changing landscape, but we have the solutions you're seeking. 

Televeda has been working with aging populations for years. If you're looking for some ideas, grab a free demo where we'll show you all the different things Televeda can offer, from boosting your center’s activities calendar, to data-driven improvements, to event management, and more. 

We focus on improving the quality of life of seniors through revolutionary methods. Once you see what we offer with our tech-focused solutions, you'll understand why we're so passionate about supporting communities like yours! 

Schedule a free demo today to see how we can help differentiate your organization, and get more older adults to your center with increased engagement and retention. 

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